
Wednesday, June 24, 2020


 So this year we got to pick from multiple ways of sharing art. The options were : visual art, dance and music. I choose Visual art so During Art with Miss McLeod we have been doing Matariki Art. First we had to read some books about Matariki, then Miss McLeod showed everyone some examples of Matariki art. After that we got a piece of blank paper and we had to draw our draft drawing. We did that for about 2 weeks then on the third week we had to see the different mediums. Then the next week we had to figure out if we wanted to use pastel or paint, I choose pastel because my drawing needs to be blended. 
My story of my art -
My story is based of one of the examples Miss McLeod shared all of us. For me it shares the story of Matariki because it has a ocean, and also the night sky which is a bit blue and the rest is black but blended. Maybe next time I think I might trying using paint and for the ocean I could make the paint kinda watery so it’s blended together.  

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Friday, June 19, 2020

Self potrait -Art

Hey readers!
This term during art with Mrs Jones and Miss McLelland we have been making self potraits. First we all wrote complaments about everyone then we added the complaments to a google doc. Then Miss McLelland took a photo of everyone, the next following week the teachers printed out the photos of us. After that we had to draw a line in the middle of the photo, then we showed it to the teachers it needed to be neat. Then we glued the half of the photo to a small peice of paper, then started drawing the other side of our face.

When we finished the other half of our face we showed it to Mrs Jones. Then we glued the small peice of paper to a bigger peice. We needed to make sure that it has no un glued bits. Once I finished that Mrs Jones printed out the complaments. My Portrait is bellow!

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My Bucket list (Comic)

Hey readers!
This week in Mrs Jones Writing group, when we finished our pick-a-path we had to go onto pixton then make a avatar. Here is the link to pixton if you have never used pixton before:Pixton. When we finished our avatar we had to follow the steps on the site. First it said to make a comic then name it  your Name bucket list. After that we needed to select what type of comic we wanted, we had to pick bucket list. Once I finished that I added my characters, then my words. After that I added all the finishing touches, then showed Mrs Jones.  Then I had to do a quality blog post, my comic will be linked bellow. 

Please comment bellow.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Myths and Legends

Hey Readers!
This week in Miss McLeods reading group we have been learning about myths and legends. First Miss McLeod read us Maui and the magic of fire Samoa then New zealand. Then on Tuesday we all had to do a follow up activity where we had to draw stuff ext ext. On Wednsday Mrs Haris read Maui and the magic of fire cook island then after that we had to do a compare and contrast activity . Then Today we had to finish what we started on wednsday which was compare and contrast. 

The thing I learnt about the stories was that every culuta has different things. My favorite part was when the Mauis was tricking the goddess. Have you ever read any stories about Maui? Do you know any cultura's of making fires? 

Please comment.