
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Character Strengths

In Homeroom time with Miss Williamson.We had to find 5 strengths and narrow it to 3. Once we  did  that we had to make symbols for the strengths label it and add reason we are that strength. It was really challenging to make the symbols because I tried to  make the symbols look similar.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Respect to Environment

We have being learning about Respect . We thought of things that are important to us.

I drew a picture of my chrome book cause it needs respect. I look after it by charging it every single day. 

I found  this activity hard because we had to think of ideas and draw them down.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wonder Web For Literacy

Today with Mrs Kaurl ,  The  reliever for  Miss Goslin,  we read chapter 3 of cap size  ,its about this lady  who is in a compaction who travels from ocean to ocean so far she is now stuck in the  she is nearly in the Perth Australia ocean . Well yea , Today for our activity we had to make a wonder web asking about questions about the w words, what,when,who,why ,will. I asked 2 questions for each w word. It was really hard to ask the questions cause it was really challenging to read the book.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Eduarda & Jordan's Tikanga for Cubbys ( rules for cubbys)

This week in Homeroom time we had to make rules for things and our teacher choose us to do cubby's rules.

Me and Eduarda made a poster all about bags  lunch food and cubbys , we had to make sure it made sense we added  bags that had a white background that had six's bags on the photo . we added words so you can understand what were talking about we added arrows too. Feel free to comment.


Learning With Jordan

This Week during cyber smart  I had to make a Animaker about how to comment on my blog I haven't finished it  but i'm still working on it . 

I found it hard , fun, and challenging because we had to find our way of  making it fun to watch .

What I found easy was writing all the things I know about commenting. What I found hard was adding affects and making it fun to watch .